For organizations, governance becomes quite the undertaking as they deploy on the cloud at scale.
Effectively tackling the governance hurdle gives organizations confidence to achieve repeatable, automated and holistic outcomes continuously, and CoreStack’s solution is tuned to help them realize those end goals, according to EZ Natarajan (pictured, right), founder and chief executive officer of CoreStack.
“CoreStack is a governance platform that helps customers maximize their cloud usage and get governance at scale,” he said. “When we talk about governance, we instill confidence through three layers: solving the problems of the chief information officer, the chief technology officer, and the chief financial officer together with a single pane of glass.”
Natarajan and Brad Winney (pictured, left), area startup sales lead at Amazon Web Services Inc., spoke with theCUBE industry analyst John Walls at the AWS re:Invent 2022 Global Startup Program, during an exclusive broadcast on theCUBE, SiliconANGLE Media’s livestreaming studio. They discussed how organizations rely on CoreStack for cloud governance at enterprise scale. (* Disclosure below.)
Governance, at its very core, is a set of policies. But spread out, it affects several crucial aspects of business operations, especially now that most have embraced cloud transformation. When scaled uniformly across an entire organization, pristine cloud governance can also be a cost-cutting strategy to keep operating costs lean, according to Winney.
“It’s about how to determine who has access to what and to scale that across not only startups, but also enterprises,” he explained. “This is a huge concern, especially with cutting costs as the overriding driver for 2023 with the economic compression being what it is. But you still have to do this in a secure way and in the least risky way possible.”
In answering the governance questions for the three aforementioned C-suite executives, CoreStack helps enterprise cloud operations stay compliant in addition to secure, performant and cost-effective, according to Natarajan.
“How do we help customers be more compliant, secure, and achieve the best performance and operations with increased availability?” he asked. “And, at the same time, do the right spending from a cost standpoint. So when all three dimensions are connected, the business velocity increases and the customers’ ability to cater to their customers follows suit.”
Companies are constantly searching for new value areas to deliver to their end users. A major part of CoreStack’s internal ideology is its focus on marketing itself as a value driver, and this ethos has also become a shared trait in the AWS-CoreStack partnership.
“If you notice, a lot of VC language is that the business value is with the key stakeholders like the CIOs, CISOs, and so on,” Winney explained. “And we’re doing a much better job of speaking business value on top of AWS services. But the AWS partners, like CoreStack, have such great expertise in that level of dialogue that’s why it’s such a key part for us, and why we’re really interested in partnering with them.”
Two kinds of factors drive companies to seek out governance solutions as a “confidence-building exercise,”according to Natarajan.
“One, there are regulatory external requirements that need to be followed in industries such as healthcare and finance,” he stated. “If I’m in the healthcare industry, maybe HIPAA and related compliance that I need to follow, that’s an external pressure. Internally, the organizations based on their geographical presence and the kind of partners and customers they cater to may have their own standards.”
Being in the AWS ecosystem on a multitude of levels, from the Marketplace to the AWS Partner Network, has afforded CoreStack access to a global customer base in addition to excellent cloud product integrations, Natarajan added.
“The team provides different leverages to connect to the entire ecosystem of how AWS gets consumed by the customers,” he said. “A customer may come through channels and partners, and the ecosystem that AWS provides helps us feed into all these players and provide this higher order capability, which instills confidence in the customers at the end of the day.”
As startups find those cost-efficiency areas, they’re increasingly being expected to reinvest those funds toward growth. And the AWS ecosystem has positioned itself as a comprehensive Swiss Army Knife of solutions to that end, according to Winney.
“I think our playbook for 2023 is to help good strong startups either finetune their market fit or, for those that have good market fit, to really run and develop their business,” he said. “So growth is not off the hook for 2023.”
Here’s the complete video interview, part of SiliconANGLE’s and theCUBE’s coverage of the AWS re:Invent 2022 Global Startup Program:
(* Disclosure: CoreStack Inc. sponsored this segment of theCUBE. Neither CoreStack nor other sponsors have editorial control over content on theCUBE or SiliconANGLE.)