John Furrier

John Furrier is founder, co-CEO, and Editor-in-Chief of SiliconANGLE Media, a new media company covering the intersection of computer science and social science. Furrier's vision is of a future that uses technology and data to create quality content and user experiences while creating and growing quality communities. Simply put: To extract the signal from the noise! Our motto: we cover everything "where Computer Science meets Social Science". Furrier lives in Palo Alto, California with his wife and four children.

Latest from John Furrier

HP 3Com Exclusive: HP’s Marius Haas to Cisco: “We’ll Bring It.”

With HP’s announcement of the acquisition of 3Com for $2.7 billion it will be known as the day the HP Cisco “cold war” escalated to full on war. November 11, 2009 was the day the opening shot of the Cisco HP Networking and Server War was fired. I sat down yesterday evening with HP’s Senior ...

Blackberry Developer Conference – They Want to Friend Everyone

Update from event: The points below are NOT quotes. They are paraphrased and/or my own personal liberal interpretations. I cannot emphasize this point enough; nobody from RIM actually said these words. 1. We are the carrier’s friend. Bandwidth is extremely constrained, and upgrading networks costs tens or hundreds of billions of dollars. All-you-can-eat data plans ...

Blekko and The Google Killer Jinx

The worst thing that any startup can do is say that they are a Google killer. It is natural for Rich Skrenta the founder of Blekko – a search engine – messaging the opposite. Rich writes: “…there is no such thing as a Google killer. No company is going to play David to their Goliath ...